How Franchising is Less Risky than Opening a Small Business

January 18, 2022

Everyone loves and admires small businesses. They are a core part of the American dream, the backbone of the economy, and a vital part of the country’s commerce. However, while small businesses are important and beloved, opening them is a genuine risk.

According to Investopedia, 20% of new small businesses fail during their first two years, 45% fail during their first five, and 65% during their first ten. Building a small business is no easy task, and keeping them afloat is even harder. If you want to take control of a business, but want to minimize your potential risk, franchising with Superior Wash might be the best option for you.

Superior Wash also will provide you with the training and mentorship you need.

Superior Wash is a national fleet washing franchise with operations that stretch across the country. It is a mobile business that uses specialized pressure washing technology to clean truck fleets from some of the top transportation companies in the country, from FedEx to Budweiser. Our services are integral to the companies we work with, and the franchisees who take the reins of a franchise have a safer road to profitability than the average small business.

One of the primary reasons for this is that when you take control of a Superior Wash franchise, you aren’t doing so without help and guidance. Superior Wash provides you with a proven business model that has helped turn workers across the country into successful franchise owners.

Superior Wash also will provide you with the training and mentorship you need. When you start a small business, you are going to have to sink or swim on the fly. Most of the time, there is no one with you explaining how things work and showing you what it takes. With Superior Wash, this is not the case. You have extensive training and a team of dedicated experts pushing your business to grow.

With Superior Wash, you get the benefits of starting a small business, such as freedom and control, without the same risks. It is a unique opportunity that can yield major results for those looking to start along a new path.


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